April 11, 2018

An Ode to Running

Running is how I like to stay fit. Each year, well almost every year since 2012, (skipping 2013) I've run the BMO Half Marathon in Vancouver. (Yes, 21.1km!)

My exposure to long distance running began from runs completed during Phys Ed in high school. I'd huff my way through those runs, and be thankful I even managed to run the distance (a measly 1.5km). I also joined cross country because my long and gangly awkward self did not fare well in team sports. In the spring I'd join Track and Field, and even tried short distance sprinting but I didn't have the explosive energy to make the cut! What with lack of fast times from the 100 meter dash or the endurance to run 400 meter sprints, my butt was whooped. Figuratively and literally (literally being the pain in my butt from trying to sprint 400m). I stuck to the "field events" and only participated in team relays.

After high school I looked forward to joining Track in university, but student life does not pave the way to pay for equivalence in tuition for gym membership or to joining the ever elusive university team (which, you also had to fork over money and commitment for). I wanted to stay fit and challenge myself so I started running longer and farther.

To this day, I give credit to my running coaches throughout highschool, as I was motivated to take on long distance running as it was, seeing how innate it had already become to them. Running was a great way to get my mind off of school, my part time job, and my then boyfriend (goodbye teen angst). What keeps me running now aren't these things at all, it's more about the personal challenge, and pushing my body to the limit. I'm no expert, but I can't see a life without running part of it.

I ran the Vancouver Sun Run a hand full of times, the Fall Classic, Scotiabank Half Marathon, the Rock and Roll Half Marathon (now discontinued, it was the most beautiful course), and every year I train for the Vancouver BMO Half marathon. I found an amazing run guide that's kept me motivated and on track, take a look at it!!

Every time I go out to get a fresh breath of air (cue the rapper Drake's - Fancy) , I know I'm out for an adventure. Something about being stuck in a gym just doesn't entice me. (I know, girls and our love for cardio 😉). I make sure my running form is in check, plug into my running playlist to help pass the time. And then I run.

The Stanley Park Seawall and I

Chasing this Lovely Sunset!

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