October 9, 2020

Quarantine Lifestyle

Yes, it is not a joking manner to think about the effect that Covid-19 has had on our societies globally. There are now 36.5 million that have been affected by the pandemic.

I don't want to look at the news sometimes in fear of finding out something horrible, but my mind still wants to be informed. Instead of looking at the news, here are some ways to cope and know you are not alone!

Breaking Bread - it features a plethora of local B.C. (British Columbia) restaurants.
- Online food delivery - I am grateful for this as I can support local restaurants and cafes, mostly via UberEats and Doordash or pre-ordering directly through a restaurant. 

- Music Events - what better way than to participate via digital escapism:


Let's be real here, with lack of events to go to, I found myself shopping a bit less. But I also went to Tsawwassen Mills in hopes to escape the crowds (which was successful till the afternoon when everyone decides it a good time to go to the mall).

All the J.Crew locations in Vancouver are now closed. Some of the Zara retail stores have closed. Is every brand headed towards e-commerce only? Only time will tell. 

My quarantine buys have been less of luxury handbags (my favorite past time), and more of practical buys. I bought baby blue Adidas Stan Smith Sneakers. For the longest time I was opposed to getting them as it felt lazy. I enjoy fashion, but I also like dressing different from the masses. 


Is it safe to say you are travelling? Yes. Just not via a plane. I am looking at you domestic fliers! I keep sporadically checking to see where there are flights that have been affected / have exposure to Covid-19. Just don't fly people!

I have ventured out of Vancouver as well. My boyfriend and I took a road trip up to Canmore and Banff, Alberta and then to Kelowna on the way back. It was the best week and a half getaway. 


I am a bit sad as most of the running events I signed up for tried going virtual or just became cancelled in the course of covid. I was training for the full marathon. Running upwards of 30km / week. I'm a bit glad that this was not my year to run a full marathon. I began feeling lethargic and unmotivated towards running. I participated in a run study which kept me relatively fit, but running also became a bit of a chore. I was running 4 times a week from recovery runs, long run, workout and tempo runs. I participated in the virtual BMO Half Marathon in May and the Seawheeze Half Marathon (still waiting for my medal!). 

I hope that I can find a way to enjoy running again without it feeling like a chore. I am "training" for a Nuun Ambassador Half Marathon, but the prior bad weather and air quality issues from forest fires made me a bit weary to get out and run. The weather is finally cooling down now and its an ideal ~20°C, I will definitely get out and run this weekend.

That's all for now. 



March 24, 2020

Me, Update

Hello you all.

Its been a hot minute since I've last posted. I feel like so much has happened since that last post. Where do I begin?

I have been trying to take running more seriously, completed at least 10 different races, from half marathons to 10km to 8km.

I had hoped to complete the BMO Full Marathon this coming May 2020, however the world has been struck by the Covid-19 virus, and all I can do for the best of my own ability, along with every other athlete is to take a step back and treat it as if it were off-season (as if that ever happens).

I never thought something like this would happen to the world. It's a scary phenomenon that I can't even comprehend.

But I'm here to take my own mind off of what's going on right now. I have now signed up for a trail race upcoming in June 2020, but everything feels like it's going to be delayed/postponed for the safety of everyone.

I shouldn't be so down. We are all being told to stay indoors to prevent the further spread of the virus, in such, to #flattenthecurve. I hope that we can all persevere and come through as a society more well prepared for any more future outbreaks. I feel like these events are cyclical and natural processes of societal advance.

Wow. So this is all I can think of clearly. I feel like I've been running races to race myself really, but now it's my time as a runner to really reflect and instead just get out there to enjoy running despite the state of the world.

I hope I can set new PR's, become stronger, and get back out after all this anew, more than ever.

Till next,
