March 24, 2020

Me, Update

Hello you all.

Its been a hot minute since I've last posted. I feel like so much has happened since that last post. Where do I begin?

I have been trying to take running more seriously, completed at least 10 different races, from half marathons to 10km to 8km.

I had hoped to complete the BMO Full Marathon this coming May 2020, however the world has been struck by the Covid-19 virus, and all I can do for the best of my own ability, along with every other athlete is to take a step back and treat it as if it were off-season (as if that ever happens).

I never thought something like this would happen to the world. It's a scary phenomenon that I can't even comprehend.

But I'm here to take my own mind off of what's going on right now. I have now signed up for a trail race upcoming in June 2020, but everything feels like it's going to be delayed/postponed for the safety of everyone.

I shouldn't be so down. We are all being told to stay indoors to prevent the further spread of the virus, in such, to #flattenthecurve. I hope that we can all persevere and come through as a society more well prepared for any more future outbreaks. I feel like these events are cyclical and natural processes of societal advance.

Wow. So this is all I can think of clearly. I feel like I've been running races to race myself really, but now it's my time as a runner to really reflect and instead just get out there to enjoy running despite the state of the world.

I hope I can set new PR's, become stronger, and get back out after all this anew, more than ever.

Till next,
